Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Marines riding atop an M-48 tank, covering their ears, April 3, 1968.

Operation "Yellowstone" Vietnam. Following a hard day, a few members of Company A gather around a guitar and play a few songs, January 18, 1968.

A sky trooper from the 1st Cavalry Division keeps track of the time he has left on his "short time" helmet, 1968.

Operation "Oregon," a search and destroy mission conducted by infantry platoon of Troop B. An infantryman is lowered into a tunnel by members of the reconnaissance platoon, April 24, 1967.

If you would like the website where we got these pictures click the link below



  1. These photos are truly powerful. Thank you for posting! It's amazing to see what is really going on over there in Vietnam.

  2. My favorite picture is the soldier with his "short time" helmet. To think that is how they keep time is very interesting to me. These pictures put a different image of what War really is in my head. Thanks for posting!

    -Mark (IL)
